Together We CONNECT

Together We LEARN

Together We INSPIRE


Together We End Polio

Rotary Club of Mercer Island


Rotary President Message

Benson Wong

Since public service has always been a large part of my life, my involvement in The Rotary Club of Mercer Island is a natural transition after serving the Island as an elected official. I am honored and looking forward to serving as the club’s president this year. The club is a place for developing connections, friendships, and community. The club is also a place where you can individually and collectively make a difference not only on the Island, but in our local region, and abroad. The Rotary motto of “Service Above Self” drives the actions of all Rotarians. If the club sounds like a place for you, please join me and other Rotarians at our club meetings or at our service projects. Let’s work together to do good and promote peace. This year we will have fun and camaraderie as we meet the challenges ahead, and serve others. What I love most about our club and what you will love is that it provides “service for the soul”.


Upcoming Events

Club Meeting - Tiny Houses

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Club Meeting - Roy Chang: Closing the Academic Gaps

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Club News

Empowering Communities

When it comes to international service, one of the most crucial debates is how best to provide aid: should we focus on short-term relief, or aim for long-term empowerment? For Rotary, the answer is clear. While emergency assistance has a place, real transformation happens when communities are empowered to take control of their own futures. This philosophy drives many of Rotary's most impactful projects.


Relief vs. Empowerment

Providing food, shelter, and medical care such as with ShelterBox in the immediate aftermath of a disaster saves lives. However, the challenge is that once the aid stops, communities often find themselves back where they started. Rotary believes that while this type of intervention is sometimes necessary, it should not be the primary focus. The goal is to empower communities to meet their own needs, reducing dependency on outside help over time.

Take, for example, Rotary’s micro-finance projects in India. By providing small loans to women to purchase sewing machines, Rotary not only gives individuals the tools they need to generate income but also helps entire communities break the cycle of poverty. The success of these projects lies in their sustainability. Rather than simply handing out money or goods, Rotary invests in skills and opportunities that allows recipients to thrive long after the initial support is gone.

Challenges and Benefits of Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is not without its challenges. Implementing long-term solutions often requires significant time, cultural understanding, and resources. It can be difficult to measure immediate impact, which sometimes makes it less attractive to donors looking for quick results. However, the benefits far outweigh these hurdles. Projects that focus on sustainability not only create lasting change but also foster a sense of ownership and pride within communities.


A prime example of this is Rotary’s work in clean water projects. Rather than simply digging wells or installing filtration systems, Rotary often partners with local communities to train residents on maintenance and repair. This ensures that the infrastructure will continue to serve its purpose long after the initial project is completed. Empowerment, in this sense, is not just about providing tools, but also about building the knowledge and capacity to keep those tools in working order.

Transitioning from Immediate Aid to Long-Term Solutions

For organizations used to providing immediate aid, the shift to long-term empowerment can be challenging. One effective strategy is to start with short-term relief while simultaneously laying the groundwork for sustainable development. For instance, in areas affected by natural disasters, Rotary might provide emergency shelter or medical supplies, but also begin conversations with local leaders about how to rebuild in a way that strengthens the community for the future.

Rotary’s PolioPlus program is another great example of this approach. The campaign initially focused on mass vaccinations, providing immediate aid to eradicate polio. But over time, the strategy evolved to include broader efforts in health infrastructure, education, and community engagement, ensuring that the progress made could be sustained long-term.

Rotary’s approach to aid goes beyond simply addressing immediate needs. It focuses on empowering individuals and communities to take control of their own destinies. By transitioning from short-term relief to long-term solutions, Rotary’s projects create lasting impact, fostering resilience and self-reliance. Whether through micro-finance, clean water initiatives, or global health campaigns, Rotary's commitment to sustainable aid ensures that communities are not dependent on outside assistance but are empowered to thrive.

November 5 Speaker - Barb Oliver, Director of Operations, Sound Foundations NW

Main article image for story titled 'November 5 Speaker - Barb Oliver, Director of Operations, Sound Foundations NW'

Building Tiny Houses for the Homeless in Seattle

November 19 Speaker - Roy Chang - Closing the Academic Gaps

Main article image for story titled 'November 19 Speaker - Roy Chang - Closing the Academic Gaps'

Pastor Roy Change is the Executive Director of "Schools Connect Washington", a non-profit organization providing a full complement of wrap-around services including a high-achievement, low-cost, full-week elementary after-school program serving 40-50 low-income, largely immigrant, BIPOC students each year.

Make a Difference - Join Today!

For over 60 years, 
The Mercer Island Rotary Club
 has been made up of active community members from all walks of life working together to make a lasting change on Mercer Island, in Washington, and around the world. We are part of the larger global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change. 

Interested in joining or learning more?  
Visitors are always welcome and there is no cost to visit.
Join us at our meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at the Mercer Island Community & Event Center, 8236 SE 24th St. Mercer Island, WA 98040.   A catered lunch by Pogacha (a restaurant on Mercer Island) is available for $25, or bring your own.

Socializing 12:00 - 12:30    Meeting and a speaker 12:30 - 1:30

You can also reach out directly to Diane Tien, Mercer Island Rotary Membership Director[email protected]

Rotary International Causes
Global Rotary Network

Reducing Hunger in Our Community

In appreciation for our Club's generous and longstanding support to reduce hunger in our community, Harvest Against Hunger invited our club to be recognized as a member of the newly created

Harvest Against Hunger
Lifetime Giving Society



The buzz of a Rotary meeting isn't just noise - it's the sound of purpose. Our motto, "Service Above Self," isn't a lofty ideal; it's our daily fuel.

I've seen it transform lives, including my own. It's not about martyrdom, but finding strength in responsibility. It's the spark that turns personal ambition into collective impact.

Sure, balancing Rotary's values with our own can be tricky. I've wrestled with it, juggling work, family, and service. But here's the secret: when we align with Rotary's ideals, everything else falls into place.

We're not just talkers; we're doers. From building Tiny Houses, to supporting the Mercer Island High School Interact club and the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, to feeding the homeless, building a health clinic in Uganda, or providing clothing for kids in need in Seattle, we roll up our sleeves and make things happen. It's about meaningful action, not empty promises.  

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Tiny Houses--Big Impact


The Home First Model--getting homeless men, women and families into a safe, clean home with outreach services--is a transitional step toward permanent housing. Living on the streets impacts the body and the mind. Housing people first and addressing health and mental well-being along with finding jobs and education is a scaffolding strategy that has been proven to work. 

Tiny Houses provide a stable environment on the way to more permanent housing.These houses have light, heat, a window and a door with a lock. The tiny house villages throughout the city have communal kitchens and bath and laundry facilities. The 8’ by 12’ units can be built quickly by volunteers.

Mercer Island Rotary Club members, as well as other Rotary partners, have helped construct and paint many of the homes.

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The Rotary Club of Mercer Island Foundation - Donate or Request a Grant

For more than 115 years, the members of Rotary have bridged cultures and connected continents by championing peace, fighting illiteracy, poverty and disease and promoting clean water and sanitation.Recently, growing local economies and protecting the environment has been added to the causes we support.

To this end, The Rotary Club of Mercer Island is uniquely positioned to have its own Foundation (the Mercer Island Rotary Foundation), which funds grants for projects that have measurable goals, are sustainable, based on community needs, and are centered on at least one of our areas of focus listed above.

If you think your request qualifies, please click on the link below to complete a grant request application!

MIRF Grant Application

What is Rotary International all about anyway?

A lot of people have heard about Rotary, but not everyone knowns what the club is all about. The Fargo-Moorhead Rotary Clubs created this short (and funny) video to clarify things.


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Rotary unites more than a million people

Through Rotary clubs, people from all continents and cultures come together to exchange ideas, and form friendships and professional connections while making a difference in their backyards and around the world.


We take action locally and globally


Each day, our members pour their passion, integrity, and intelligence into completing projects that have a lasting impact. We persevere until we deliver real, lasting solutions.


No challenge is too big for us


For more than 110 years, we’ve bridged cultures and connected continents to champion peace, fight illiteracy and poverty, promote clean water and sanitation, and fight disease.

Together, we see a world

where people unite and take action

to create lasting

change across the globe,

in our communities, and in ourselves.

Together, we see a world

where people unite and take action

to create lasting

change across the globe,

in our communities, and in ourselves.